Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Happy Halloween!

Jolie had a very fun first Halloween!  On Sunday evening, we went to the church Funival where we got to hang out with lots of Jolie's favorite people.
What a cute little cow!
Jolie is very blessed with lots of little friends at church.  Jolie got to see her buddy Jaxon.

 Jolie with sweet Harper
Jolie and little Aubree

Jolie also got to see her grandparents!

Uncle Jason and Aunt Rachel

I love this one!

Jolie LOVES Katie!  We told Katie that we need her every time we take Jolie's picture.  Jo always has a huge smile for Katie!

Jolie also always smiles for her cousins!  Here she is with Marlee and Lilly (and Aunt Rachel.) Beau was around somewhere, but we never got a picture.
The little cow on actual Halloween 
In cow position
Jolie trick-or-treated at her grandparents' houses.

Cole had a football game, so that was our next stop...in costume, of course!

Later, Jolie tried on Mommy's first Halloween costume.  She is missing the little witch hat, but still pretty cute!

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