Thursday, June 14, 2012

Four Months

On the 6th Jolie turned four months old!  I try not to think about how we are already a third of the way through her first year.  It just doesn't seem possible!

Looking back...

Some four month outtakes...Finger always in mouth!

At Jolie's four month checkup she weighed 13 lb. 12 oz. (50th percentile) and was 25.25 in. long (75th percentile.)  Her doctor said that she is slowing down a little bit in her growth.  Fine with mommy!  People seem to usually guess that Jolie is older than she is, so I am totally ok with her slowing down and being little for longer :) Everything looked great at her appointment and she continues to be a very healthy little girl.  We are so thankful! 

She is rolling around like crazy when she plays on the floor, but rolls from back to tummy much more often and will still get stuck on her tummy at times.  This usually results in lots of loud grunting/fussing until someone helps her out.  Jolie is beginning to really enjoy playing with toys.  In the last few weeks her coordination has greatly improved and she is great at reaching for toys and then getting them in her mouth.  She always has something in her mouth! Usually her fingers, but toys, blankets, burp rags, other people's fingers...anything will do!  Jolie is also very interested in our dog, Ranger, these days.  She enjoys watching him and always smiles and reaches for him when he walks by her.  I mentioned at three months that Jolie had laughed a couple of times.  She still doesn't laugh often but we are getting half-hearted chuckles every now and again.  We love it and will do ANYTHING for a laugh!

In the last month Jolie went from being an incredible sleeper to keeping mom and dad up all night long!  I think I bragged on our great sleeper just a little too much.  She went from sleeping about 8 consecutive hours at night with me only going in once or twice a night to give her her pacifier to waking up a couple times an hour.  She is even struggling to take naps without interruption.  I am so thankful that it is summer and Cole is alternating night duty with me!  I know it is just a phase and that it will eventually end...hopefully very soon! 

We love our sweet, smiley girl...sleepless nights and all!

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