Monday, September 5, 2011

Wonderful Weekend

This has been one of the best weekends!  Cole had today off for Labor Day and to make it even better, since Mac doesn't have a game this coming Friday, he didn't have to work on Saturday or Sunday either!  It has been so nice to have him home, and I know he has enjoyed getting a little more rest than he usually would get.  On Saturday, we had a lazy day that involved Chick-fil-a for breakfast, a little shopping, and an afternoon nap.  Cole's grandparents, his brother, Ty, and our nephew, Drayton, were all in town for the weekend so we went to his parents' for dinner Saturday night.  Sunday was another restful day and Cole and I went out for a little date after church that evening since we didn't have an early morning on Monday.

Today has been great too!  This morning we went back to A Miracle to Behold for another ultrasound.  Jennifer was pretty certain last time that we're having a girl, but they allowed us to come back after two weeks to confirm it.  Of course we weren't about to pass up another chance to get a peek at the baby so we went back for another look. 

It's still a girl!  Whew...I was going to have some dresses to take back if we'd found out otherwise! 

We got some great 3D images.  I love this one!  You can see a little smile on her face!

This picture cracks me up.  I looks like she is covering her ears...we weren't being that loud!  And check out those fingers!  Looks like she is already taking after mom and dad with long fingers. 

She did seem bashful again today.  Most of the time her hands were over her face. 

We had such a good time getting to see our girl again.  It was especially fun since our parents were able to come too!  We are so excited about going back around 28 or 29 weeks.  They said at that point her features will be developed enough that we'll be able to get an idea of who she looks like! 

Now that you've seen the little one, this is what I am looking like these days...18 weeks.  I think next time, I can do without the flash.  It is casting a nice shadow behind me that makes me look a little larger! 

I hope everyone else had a wonderful Labor Day weekend and is enjoying this beautiful weather! 


  1. Thanks for posting! I love getting to see pictures of my little niece! Miss you, Tiff!

  2. It was a wonderful Labor Day weekend and was topped off by seeing our baby girl!!
